The P. Q&A
He is the youngest of the major statewide officeholders, but he happens to have the most famous last name in Texas politics. At 39, George P. Bush is serving his first term as the commissioner of the...
View ArticleDarkness on the Edge of Town
Let’s clear up one thing before we begin: Joe R. Lansdale—author of more than 45 novels and 400 short stories, essays, comic books, and screenplays, ranging in genre from historical fiction to...
View ArticleThe King’s Palace
Every year more than 35,000 people make their way to a South Texas town about forty miles outside Corpus Christi called Kingsville. They pile into a van or a passenger bus to tour the King Ranch, the...
View ArticlePut to the Test
When the drug arrives at Cook Children’s Medical Center, in Fort Worth, Danelle Morgan, the hospital’s investigational drug service administrator, gets a text message from the receptionist at the front...
View ArticleMi Golondrina
Cristina Lynch can still remember her early fascination with the embroidered blouses and flowing, vibrantly colored skirts that she’d see throughout the streets of Mexico during childhood trips. Born...
View ArticleCattle Call
Victoria Livestock Show, Victoria In Texas the beginning of the year means one thing: it’s showtime. For the countless exhibitors loading up their trailers and heading to stock shows across the state,...
View ArticleWillie’s Cup
Geraldine’s is perched alongside the pool deck of the new Hotel Van Zandt, the first Austin outpost of the quirky Kimpton chain and one of the latest additions to the Capital City’s rapidly evolving...
View ArticleIdea Factory
Chefs are crazy—that’s a given. Well, maybe “crazy” is too much. But they’re definitely driven, and they love to take on monumental projects that a sane person would dismiss out of hand. Which is why,...
View ArticleTexas Sheet Cake
Not long ago, this magazine’s “estimable advice columnist,” a.k.a. the Texanist, answered a question regarding the proper ingredients for a Texas sheet cake. Needless to say, the subject inspired a...
View ArticleModern Spanglish
Carrie Rodriguez has had a lot going on lately. In October the 37-year-old Austin-based singer-songwriter-fiddler gave birth to her first child. Less than three weeks later her father, the...
View ArticleLegal Beef
Early in my phone conversation with Bill Koch about a court battle he’s been waging over a beef deal gone bad, he made a comment that he often makes when discussing his many legal dustups. “I have a...
View ArticleThe American
I kept looking over Meryl Streep’s shoulder. She is by common reckoning the greatest actress alive, and her character in the movie version of August: Osage County—a snarling, spitting, dying,...
View ArticleSomething in the Air
My husband and I were out of sorts with each other one Sunday not long ago, sniping churlishly back and forth about something insignificant. This is not like us at all; we rarely disagree or even...
View ArticleThe Last Gunsmith
At five minutes after 4 p.m., the temperature gauge in my car reads 104 degrees. It’s August in El Paso, and Chuy Aguirre is late; the handwritten sign on his shop’s front door says he keeps hours from...
View ArticleThe House That King Built
“The two men seem to be floating quietly on a sea of cattle. They ride through the herd slowly, without rippling its surface. The rust-colored Santa Gertrudis cattle make room for them, then close back...
View ArticleOld News: An Illustrated Look at Curious Headlines From a Bygone Era
“The latest fad in town is an automatic appliance. You drop two nickels in the slot and out pops a bottle of whisky.” —Waco Evening News, March 22, 1889 The post Old News: An Illustrated Look at...
View ArticleThe Texanist
Whenever we are asked where we are from, we always say that we are Texans living in Florida. But recently my husband responded that we were from Florida. Will you please explain to him why this cannot...
View ArticleRowdy Electricity Salesmen
In 2010 Mike White and Jeff Nowling decided they needed a logo for their Houston-based company, Real Energy Solutions, so they approached their friend Jacob Abshire, a graphic designer. “I said, ‘I’m...
View ArticleMeanwhile, in Texas . . .
A Wimberley woman invented a “booby trap bra,” which features a pocket that can hold a knife or pepper spray. Seven people were arrested in Lubbock after breaking into a house, ordering pizza, and...
View ArticleThe Checklist
Film Lazer Team, directed by Matt Hullum (January 27) The first feature from Austin production company Rooster Teeth, best known for its wildly popular web series Red vs. Blue, is a shambling and...
View ArticleThis Assignment Blows
A Keller ISD teacher gave sixth graders an assignment called “The Cocaine Trade: From Field to Street,” which required them to outline the steps involved in setting up distribution of the illegal...
View ArticleUnidentified Scholarly Subject
On December 26, 1985, when he was forty years old, Whitley Strieber awoke as he was being carried out of his cabin in New York’s Hudson Valley to a tent in the surrounding woods, where he was beaten,...
View ArticleHail to the Chief?
Inaugurations are a little like weddings: so much happiness on the surface, so many injuries, rivalries, and unfinished business down below. So it was on January 4, a rare sunny day that followed...
View ArticleRoar of the Crowd
They say there is no middle ground in politics, but that is certainly the case with the reaction to the Bum Steer of the Year. Some readers cheered our pick of Blue Bell (“Thank God for Texas Monthly”...
View ArticleRecent Arrivals
Illustration by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders. Click to enlarge. When Governor Greg Abbott announced, in the wake of the November terrorist attacks on Paris, that Texas would not accept any new Syrian...
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